Easter Champs – Day 1

All Stages Must be Complete and scores submitted to us by 20:00 UK Time (GMT+1)

Stage 1 – RouteChoiceGame.com 

Aim of Stage: Choose the shortest route as fast as possible

Recommended Device: Any – Computer/Tablet/Phone

The Website: routechoicegame.com You need to register first. Our demo video on how it works and how to translate the website to your language using Google Chrome Browser.

Explanation: You are shown one leg and have to decide if left or right is shortest.

Warm Up: Play some games in normal mode before going to the Stage Competition

The Stage: When you’re ready to take on the challenge go to competition page and press the button ‘play with competition code’ and insert the code NDOK3O – there will be 20 routes. At the end you will get a game score which uses both how long you take to chose your route and how often you pick the right route!

The stage is now closed. If you forgot to submit please email us your results and we’ll try and include the. Remember you only get 1 go #fairplay

Lockdown Stage Scoring: We will compare your score with everyone else. First place gets 1 point, second place 2 points, 3rd place 3 points etc.


Stage 2 – Sprint Course Routechoice

Aim of Stage: To choose the SHORTEST legal route (not fastest!) as fast as possible.

Planner: Jon Cross – World Champs 2022 Planner

Recommended Device: Computer/Laptop

The Website: RunningWild

Explanation of RunningWild: Draw the route you would take between the controls. Explanation video from Worldofo.

  1. Select a course, put your name in and click ‘Start RunningWild’
  2. A blue screen appears. Click on the blue screen and the map appears – your time starts straight away.
  3. Click on the map to draw your route.
  4. Once you click the middle of the control circle it moves to the next control.
  5. If you are too slow you get penalty time which shows at top of the screen.

Warm Up: Play some games in Running Wild first. Here are some good sprint examples

  1. Example1
  2. Example2
  3. Example3
  4. Example4

The Stage: When you’re ready to do the stage go to this page and enter your Competition Number AND Name. We need this to do the stage results! The password is Denny10April

Once you start you must complete the stage. No stopping and starting again.

If you draw some of the route then want to change your route it is too late!

Stage Scoring: You score a point for every correct short route you pick. We then add up all your points. Then for all those people with the same points you are ranked by time. So the winner has the most correct routes in the fastest time.

For the Championship Scoring: First place gets 1 point, second place 2 points, 3rd place 3 points… etc.


  1. You may need to zoom out on certain legs to see all the options.
  2. The map is to ISSprOM2019 specification.
  3. Remember The aim is to pick the shortest route and NOT the fastest.


Stage 3 – Catching Features: Sprint Race

Optional Stage: Part of 12 Stage Category

Aim of Stage: Complete the course as fast as possible.

Planner: ???

Recommended Device: Computer/Laptop

Terrain: Wait and see…

Warm Up: Try other courses on the ‘Competition’ section in Catching Features. One called ‘PL O-Team Sprint Cinte Tesino’ is a tricky sprint and should get you warmed up!

The Stage:

There are 2 Courses:

Course A – Longer and Harder

Course B – Shorter and Easier

You’ll find them in the Competition section in the game under Lockdown-O – Day 1 – Course…

Start with the Course A. If you find it too hard stop and go to course B. You cannot do B and then A.

The map is to the old mapping spec ISSOM2007.

There are many controls in a small space. So before you start we recommend going to the game homepage then ‘Options’ and selecting the bottom ‘Highlighting Map Leg – Next 2 Controls.’ This will make it easier to read the map. Try it on the warm up.

The stage is now closed. If you forgot to submit please email us your results and we’ll try and include the. Remember you only get 1 go #fairplay

Tips from a Catching Features Pro:

  1. Hold space bar to look at map whilst running
  2. 1 and 2 are zoom in and out
  3. Press ‘r’ to move the map to your current leg
  4. To move map – key=direction: w=up, s=down, a=right, d=right
  5. It’s hard to relocate so stay in contact with the map!
  6. Paths can be hard to see
  7. It gets easier once you’ve played a few different map

For the Championship Scoring: First on A course gets gets 1 point, second place 2 points, 3rd place 3 points… etc. Then B course follows on from the end of the A course. Then if you don’t finish any course you score after the last person on Course B.


Overall Scoring: Everyone scores in the 8 Stage Category!


The Daily Roundup will be live on Twitch at 20:30


Entry List – Includes your number for the championship

Easter Champs Athlete Facebook Group

Big thanks to our sponsors:

CompassPoint – Orienteering Equipment
Sprint Scotland – Sprint Racing and Training in Scotland
Forest Challenge Game – Orienteering Board Game
Catching Features – Providing a 40% discount for all those entering